A blog of my thoughts on the many things that i am experiencing at home and in my job...nice articles gathered from the recipes...travels... and also the hopes and dreams of whatever I may think of and feel like writing about...confessing my inner thoughts, opinions, or whatever to the world wide web...

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Location: Talamban, Cebu, DOHA, Qatar

Married and was living with my wife and an only child in Cebu City before becoming an Overseas Worker in Qatar...I am again at a crossroad in my life... another stage is set in my professional career I have just move on to another job as an HR Manager and now my present job is being a Top Executive in a general contracting firm in the middle east...i'm an acoustic amateur guitar player on the side who loves reading almost anything that I could get my hands on...

Friday, December 15, 2006


My job is really getting me up and about and I'm starting not to like my predicament when I lose myself in all the events that are unfolding before my very eyes...When I have tried to solve one thing another problems crops ups then I try to solve that concern unknowingly leaving other things behind which I need to also look out for...I get lost...and the word that cross my mind is just one word...So I googled the word...Focus...Focus...Focus...and here's what I did get...

Being Focused is a powerful thing. It is one of the keys that produces results or not. THE RESULTS MODEL

Our Thoughts/beliefs (conscious or unconscious) ->
Our Perceptions/Meaning ->
Generate Feelings/Motivation ->
Get us to take Action (or not) =Lead to our Results

If someone is NOT getting the result they want they usually attempt to change their actions = tangible, physical.

But they do not go to the source…what really drives our behavior/actions?
Our thoughts – our perceptions = our personal reality!

So what determines our perception?

What we choose to focus on.

There is a direct relationship between Focus and Manifestation-in other words, what you focus on creates your reality: both your physical reality and your perceived reality.

-- ask and you shall receive
-- what you sow, so shall you reap
-- A branch of science that Einstein pioneered is called “Quantum physics” which is now being able to prove these age old theories.

  1. When we say the word “focus”, what other words come to mind- Clarity/single mindedness/attention/concentration/being present/energy/patience/narrow down/visualize
  2. What is the opposite of being focused? Multi-tasking/chaos/scattered
  3. Who can give us some examples of when you are most focused? 2 days before you leave on vacation/doing something you love/doing something dangerous
  4. Has anyone ever been so focused that you completely lost track of time…like being in the state of flow. (Ultra-focused)
  5. How much more do you enjoy the journey in that state – how much more effective are you in a focused state?
  6. What are the benefits of being focused?
    More productive, happier, more calm
  7. What interrupts focus? A: Noise/other people/TV/computer/phone

We control our focus, therefore our thoughts and self talk by the questions we ask ourselves? “Garbage in…garbage out.”

Why can't I lose weight? = poor question.
How can I lose weight and enjoy the process? = quality question.
I have so much going on…how am I going to get all this done? = poor question.
What is the most effective use of my time? = quality question.

Be careful of “why” questions. They can lead to endless loops. Instead, try “what” and “how” questions.

Q: How do I set up my day so that I can enjoy it more?
Q: How can I create more space and have more freedom?
Q: How can I set up routines that create more energy and health?
Q: What can I do to attract better and healthier relationships?

The pace at which you create/manifest is governed by two things…

  • Concentration of focus (moving the magnifying glass around).
  • Intensity of the focus (adjusting the height so the sun's power is focused on one small pinpoint).

What can we do to improve our ability to focus?
Focus (like will power) is one of your mental faculties that can be developed just like any muscle-Einstein example-concentration exercise.


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