A blog of my thoughts on the many things that i am experiencing at home and in my job...nice articles gathered from the recipes...travels... and also the hopes and dreams of whatever I may think of and feel like writing about...confessing my inner thoughts, opinions, or whatever to the world wide web...

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Location: Talamban, Cebu, DOHA, Qatar

Married and was living with my wife and an only child in Cebu City before becoming an Overseas Worker in Qatar...I am again at a crossroad in my life... another stage is set in my professional career I have just move on to another job as an HR Manager and now my present job is being a Top Executive in a general contracting firm in the middle east...i'm an acoustic amateur guitar player on the side who loves reading almost anything that I could get my hands on...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Some more ways to cope with stress

Some more ways to cope with stress

1. "Get up earlier during the day"
2. "Prepare by planning ahead"
3. "Daydream for dreaming cost nothing"
4. "Avoid MSG or preservatives"
5. "Smell the day and Set up appointments"
6. "Write your thoughts and ideas down"
7. "Practice preventive maintenance for good health"
8. "Make extra back-up duplicate keys"
9. "Say No more often"
10. "Set up your priorities"
11. "Avoid negative people or bullies"
12. "Use your time wisely"
13. "Simplify your life's needs"
14. "Get a BJ"
15. "Anticipate your needs"
16. "Make home repairs"
17. "Get help with jobs you dislike"
18. "Break down large tasks"
19. "Remind yourself to Look at problems as challenges"
20. "Take a Look at challenges and treat them differently"
21. "Unclutter and simplify your life"
22. "Smile more often"
23. "Save and Prepare for rainy days"
24. "Have a healthy sex life"
25. "Play Doom 3 or battlefield vietnam"
26. "Remember You Don't know all the answers"
27. "Always Look for the silver lining not the dark clouds at bay"
28. "Say something nice and praise others"
29. "Different Folks Different Strokes"
30 "Walking in the rain with the one you love or take a bathe in the rain"
31. "Schedule play time on your PC"
32. "Talk less and listen more"
33. "Praise God and be prayerful and thankful for all that he’s done"
34. "Pamper yourself and give yourself a break"
35. "Be aware of your decisions"
36. "Believe in yourself no matter how difficult it may seem"
37. "Beware Stop Talking negatively"
38. "Visualize winning and being triumphant"
39. "Develop a sense of humor"
40. "Be Hopeful and Start thinking that tomorrow will be better"
41. "Always Be Gentle and Kind to others"
42. "Dance a hustle or do a dance step"
43. "Say hello to a stranger build new relationships"
44. "Give a Hug or Ask a friend for a hug"
45. "Gaze at a starry night and look at the stars"
46. "Close your eyes and Breathe slowly"
47. "Sing a happy tune"
48. "Playing my guitar"
49. "Listening to acoustic music"
50. "Watch a live band show"
51. "Take the time to Read, read. read"
52. "Do something new each day"
53. "Stop a bad habit"
54. "Buy a flower for your spouse or lover"
55. "Do a skip jump walk like a child does"
56. "Buy something for yourself"
57. "Find a confidant as a 'confession-partner'"
58. "Do it today"
59. "Be optimistic but not overly optimistic"
60. "Put safety first always"
61. "Do all things in moderation"
62. "Stretch your limits"
63. "Enjoy small pleasures"
64. "Hum a song"
65. "Maintain your weight to height ratio"
66. "Be happy with your life with others"
67. "Feed the chickens"
68. "Practice grace and humility always"
69. "Stretch your body from time to time"
70. "Have a plan 'B' for every situation"
71. "Go to hear mass more often"
72. "Learn a new joke"
73. "Be aware of your feelings and the feelings of others"
74. "Leave your place of work on the dot"
75. "Know your limits and capacity"
76. "Say have a good day to yourself every morning!"
77. "Think of all those good times you spent with your love ones“
78. "Find Away To Exercise"
79. "Learn a new song"
80. "Get up to work earlier"
81. "Do a task at home by doing Cleaning chores"
82. "Play with your children"
83. "Go on an outdoor picnic"
84. "Drive or take a different route to work"
85. "Take a leave of absence from work or leave the office earlier than you should"
86. "Put air freshener in your room"
87. "Watch a movie or DVD"
88. "Email a far away friend"
89. "Attend a Prayer Meeting"
90. "Eat a small meal by candlelight"
91. "Recognize the importance of unconditional love"
92. "Remember stress is an attitude"
93. "Keep a weblog and say your piece"
94. "Be humble and ro a good deed each day"
95. "Remember and look at your options"
96. "Build a support network of friends and relatives"
97. "Quit trying to fix other people’s concerns"
98. "Don’t stay up late, Get enough sleep"
99. Relax. Take each day a time... You have the rest of your life to live.
100. “Over sleep during weekends”


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