Growing Old Graciously

Most everybody I imagine would fear the fact that one is growing old each day...this reality doesn't really seep in until you reach 40 ...or 50...20 years ago when I do conduct interviews for recruitment...I never really realize it then that I had a biased mindset for older people...I always ask how old are you? How many years do you want to spend with the company??? and I would always prefer younger people for the job.... until the time that the tables were turned against me...I was now being interviewed for the job and I was the Old person...and the person interviewing me was half my age...and I knew exactly what was going in her mind when she ask me...Do you see yourself working for this company after five years?...I hated the thought but what's new? experience and seniority...does it really count that much against young, aggressive, impulsive, or devil may care rookies...I came from a generation wherein maturity was doesn't even get near to become a supervisor at 30 years old...but now you have people fresh from the books and in less than six months on the job...has already become a supervisor...don't get me wrong...I don't have anythings against that...its just that times have really changed and old paradigms that used to be true are not necessarily true anymore...but this biased for old people is not true at all in some some overseas countries...your age is not important for the job...Its even illegal in some countries to discriminate you from qualifying for a job because of your much for that...the gist of my musing is that I have come to realize that time has really passed me by...10 or 20 years ago I didn't feel old...but at fifty..I feel old no matter how much I try to feel to be young at heart...and likewise I cannot be continuously trying to keep myself in a denial mode...I cannot do that anymore...better to accept the fact that the time has come for you to act your age...for some people growing old is difficult because our body, looks and mindset change and many times we are not in control of it...which is why I somehow decided to accept it and grow old under my own terms and I will let that process happen graciously to me and enjoy....growing old...It can be enjoyed and cherished...
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